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Old World Craftsmanship, New Age Technology Serving businesses, manufacturers and general contractors in Washington, Oregon and Idaho since 1973.
Commercial Painting

Retail, offices, warehouses, apartments, casinos and restaurants

Commercial Painting

Retail, offices, warehouses, apartments, casinos and restaurants

Industrial Painting

Industrial & agricultural facilities, wineries, warehouses and grain silos

Industrial Painting

Industrial & agricultural facilities, wineries, warehouses and grain silos


Interior & exterior painting, wall coverings and floor finishes.


Interior & exterior painting, wall coverings and floor finishes.

Kent Exterior Painting


Is exterior painting something you are considering for your home or office in Kent, WA? Then give us a call at PaintSmith today. Kent exterior painting is as important as the interior painting when onsidering a project and a contractor. Kent exterior painting increases the external beauty of the building and protects it from various weather elements and leakage in the building.

If we compromise in the quality of the paint and other materials for painting, the life of the building will be compromised, so our Kent exterior painting team makes use of only the best quality materials and new age technology at a competitive rate. So what are you waiting for? Call us now!

  • Exterior wall painting
  • Exterior weather coat paints
  • Exterior deck painting
  • Exterior window painting

Call PaintSmith for Kent exterior painting in the area!

(206) 333-6171

Kent Exterior Painters


We have skilled and knowledgeable Kent exterior painters as our teammates in our firm. Our Kent exterior painters can be trusted as we recruit them only after thorough background checks through proper channels. Our Kent exterior painters are given professional training and are well-known for using new age technology in painting and knowing the best materials to use.

Our Kent exterior painters are customer friendly and are happy to help as per your suggestions while on the job. Before painting, Our Kent exterior painters prepare the surface well by power washing and removing the dust and old, chipping paint over the building for a perfect finish.

  • Pressure washing
  • Exterior masonry painting
  • Exterior apartment painting
  • Weather coat paints

Call PaintSmith for Kent exterior painters now!

(206) 333-6171

Kent Exterior Painting Company


Hiring a trusted Kent exterior painting company for your custom painting needs can be very difficult at times. Our Kent exterior painting company hires only experienced, skilled, and professionally trained painters for the job. As a Kent exterior painting company, we are able to send more painters to finish the work faster if the customer needs it.

Our painters are trained to follow safety guidelines while at work for our Kent exterior painting company. We will send only painters who have a strong work ethic in their line of work as a Kent exterior painting company. Our Kent exterior painting company has been built around its excellent reputation, especially through word-of-mouth and consistent quality of work.

  • Home painting
  • Factory painting
  • House exterior paint
  • Rooftop painting
  • Wall preparation

Call PaintSmith for a Kent exterior painting company now!

(206) 333-6171