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Old World Craftsmanship, New Age Technology Serving businesses, manufacturers and general contractors in Washington, Oregon and Idaho since 1973.
Commercial Painting

Retail, offices, warehouses, apartments, casinos and restaurants

Commercial Painting

Retail, offices, warehouses, apartments, casinos and restaurants

Industrial Painting

Industrial & agricultural facilities, wineries, warehouses and grain silos

Industrial Painting

Industrial & agricultural facilities, wineries, warehouses and grain silos


Interior & exterior painting, wall coverings and floor finishes.


Interior & exterior painting, wall coverings and floor finishes.

Des Moines Painting Company

Top Rated Des Moines painting company in WA near 98148

There are many reasons why you should hire an experienced painting company in Des Moines, WA. A good Des Moines painting company will have skillful painters specialized in prepping and painting work.

At our Des Moines painting company PaintSmith, we have a great team of contractors and painters whose expert paint job results in a perfect and seamless look, and hence contributes to the longevity of your commercial or industrial structure.

If you are not sure about the color, shade, and even the detailed services for your interior or exterior part of property, consult our Des Moines painting company.

We have an extremely helpful team of trusted professionals who can help you with every step of your project. We provide guaranteed satisfaction, so you never have to worry about a thing before, during, or after the job!

  • Company for wallcoverings
  • Paint and varnish facilities
  • Paint and coating services

Call our trusted Des Moines painting company, PaintSmith!

(206) 333-6171

Des Moines Painting Companies

Experienced Des Moines painting companies in WA near 98148

As one of the prominent Des Moines painting companies, we believe in providing high quality paint jobs with perfection and precision. While our quality of work may exceed your expectations, we ensure that it never exceeds your budget.

Unlike many other Des Moines painting companies that have hidden costs that you find out once you have committed to them, we believe in total honesty. This is one of the reasons we stand out from the rest of the Des Moines painting companies.

If you are searching for reliable Des Moines painting companies, this is where your search ends and our work starts!

  • Painting commercial building
  • Painting apartment building
  • Painting hotels and casinos
  • Painting shops and restaurants

You do not have look for Des Moines painting companies when our dedicated painters at PaintSmith are here for you!

(206) 333-6171

Des Moines Local Painters

Leading Des Moines local painters in WA near 98148

Hiring our Des Moines local painters for your new construction or renovation jobs is always a great idea. By giving a chance to your Des Moines local painters, you are not just helping the community grow and thrive, but also giving a chance to our Des Moines local painters to prove their dedication and expertise.

Our Des Moines local painters have been working for businesses and industrial buildings since 1973 and have a long list of satisfied customers who not only recommend us, but always come to us for their upcoming painting projects.

  • Interior painters
  • Exterior painters
  • Urgent paint services

Our Des Moines local painters at PaintSmith are ready to start your project – call now!

(206) 333-6171